Publishing Case Studies

Case studies on rights management provided by rights professionals working in publishing

Quill and ink pot on a white backgroundPoetry Permissions: A case study on licensing Philip Larkin's poetry

Becky Taylor, Permissions Manager at Faber & Faber, gives a case study on licensing permissions to reuse Philip Larkin's poetry.


Rights Research

Clare Hodder, founder of Rights2 consultancy and Director RightsZone, explains the importance of knowing the extent of your IP and royalties positions before you start to exploit any content.


Finding New Licensing Streams

Rebecca Cook, Associate Director, Copyright and Permissions at Wiley, discusses the value of exploring new licensing models with existing content and how knowing what rights you control can lead to new business opportunities.


Rights and Business Sales

Natalina Bertoli, Managing Partner of Bertoli Mitchell, discusses how good rights management shows its worth when preparing to sell your business.



Managing Magazine Archives

Katy Conover, Library Manager at Hearst UK, explains the complexities of licensing a company's historic and archived content along with the importance of good record keeping and archiving.

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