PLS Rights Mentorship Scheme

Publishers’ Licensing Services (PLS) is pleased to announce the launch of a new mentorship scheme to match senior rights professionals from its PLS Rights Group with early career publishing professionals, students, and publishing hopefuls seeking advice regarding specific rights-related topics in the publishing industry.  

The PLS Rights Group Mentoring Scheme will match mentors and mentees based on experience and expertise and is open to anyone looking for further guidance or information on either specific topics or more long-term goals. 

About the Scheme:

The scheme will offer two different options to receive advice and guidance from experienced rights professionals: 

1. Espresso mentoring (one meeting only) 

Help with answering burning questions, espresso mentoring will provide quick advice on a specific topic. 

2. Triple shot mentoring (three meetings over three months)  

Designed to establish a connection between a mentee and a mentor and to allow for more in-depth discussions and learning opportunities. 

All mentors are senior rights professionals with years of experience in the industry.

How to participate

To join the scheme as a mentee, complete the questionnaire here to be matched with one of the PLS Rights Group members.

The questionnaire is designed to help ascertain your current position, career aspirations and 3 goals for mentoring meetings. Mentees can also state preferences on sector and topics of interest to ensure we math you with the right mentor.

Apply here now

Applications to the scheme are open until 6 September.  

Terms and Conditions of the mentorship scheme

If you wish to join the PLS Rights Group, or have any questions about membership or the mentorship scheme, please email the Group at